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B. Wiedersheim, Kargl, F. , Ma, Z. , and Papadimitratos, P. , Privacy in Inter-Vehicular Networks: Why simple pseudonym change is not enough, in The Seventh International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2010), Kranska Gora, Slovenia, 2010.
E. Weingärtner and Kargl, F. , A Prototype Study on Hybrid Sensor-Vehicular Networks (Ext. Abstract), RWTH-Aachen, Aachen, Germany, AIB 2007-1, 2007.
E. Weingärtner and Kargl, F. , Hybrid Sensor-Vehicular Networks in the context of next-generation networking, in 7th Würzburg Workshop in IP: Joint EuroFGI and ITG Workshop on "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView 2007), Würzburg, Germany, 2007.
M. (ed.) Weber and Kargl, F. (ed.), Mobile Ad-Hoc Netzwerke: 1. Deutscher Workshop über Mobile Ad-Hoc Netzwerke (WMAN 2002), vol. P-11. Ulm, Germany: Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2002.