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This page lists selected invited talks and presentations that I have given in recent years in addition to many presentations of accepted papers at conferences. Slides available on request.

Upcoming Presentations:

Previous Presentations:

28.01.2011 Presentation of PRESERVE Project at Drive C2X Kickoff in Torino
15.12.2010 Invited Talk "Privacy in ITS - requirement, show-stopper- or fancy add-on?" at IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (IEEE VNC 2010)
16.11.2010 Talk on "Sicherheit und Privacy in Fahrzeug-Fahrzeug-Netzen und kritischen Infrastrukturen" at Ulm University Colloquium
12.11.2010 Talk on "Security and Privacy in Car-to-Car Networks" at comsys-Kolloquium at RWTH Aachen
09.11.2010 Talk on "Security and Privacy Protection in ITS - An Overview over the European Research Landscape" at the VDE Annual Conference 2011 in Leipzig
09.09.2010 Talk on "Security and Privacy" at GI/ITG KuVS Summer School Wireless Networking
16.06.2010 Organization and Moderating of Special Session Can we be smart and private: Intelligent Transportation Systems" at Computers, Freedom, and Privacy in a Networked Society -- the 20th annual CFP conference
10.06.2010 "Security and Privacy Protection in V2X - what have we achieved and where are the challenges for the future?" at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
16.-22.04.2010 "Security and Privacy in European ITS and V2X Research" at Colloquiums of NICTA Research Lab, Sydney, University of Technology, Sydney, and University of New South Wales, Sydney
18.03.2010 Demonstration of IEEE 802.11 WLAN Denial of Service at ICT Delta 2010 in Rotterdam
10.03.2010 "Security and Privacy in European ITS and V2X Research" at the ISTRICE Research Lunch in Enschede
30.01.2010 "The road to Privacy-friendly ITS: Technical Privacy Protection Mechanisms" Panel Presentation and Discussion at the 3rd International Conference Computers, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP 2010) in Brussels
18.12.2009 "Sicherheit und Datenschutz in drahtlosen Netzwerken" at University Erlangen Colloquium
05.11.2009 "PRECIOSA: ITS Privacy" at C2C Sec. WG Liaison Meeting in Wolfsburg
05.11.2009 "SeVeCom: Secure Communication" at C2C Sec. WG Liaison Meeting in Wolfsburg
04.11.2009 "PRECIOSA: Enforceable Privacy" - at Car-2-Car Forum in Wolfsburg
20.-22.10.2009 "Security and Privacy in Cooperative Intelligent Transportations Systems" - Keynote at ITST 2009 in Lille (France)
24.09.2009 "Privacy Enforcement with the PRECIOSA Architecture" at ITS World Congress 2009
27.08.2009 "Privacy Enforcement with the PRECIOSA Architecture" at CAST Workshop "Mobile Security for Intelligent Cars"
08.07.2009 "Security and Privacy in Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems" at IHP Frankfurt(Oder) Colloquium
30.06.2009 "Security and Privacy in Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (cITS)" at GER-TR Workshop on ICT, Braunschweig
25.06.2009 "Security and Privacy in Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems" at University of Twente Colloquium
18.02.2009 "Sichere Kommunikation in Fahrzeug-Fahrzeug Netzwerken" at TU Darmstadt Colloquium
23.01.2009 "Sichere Kommunikation in Fahrzeug-Fahrzeug Netzwerken" at TU Braunschweig Colloquium
04.12.2008 "C2X Security and Privacy" at TU Darmstadt Colloquium
02./03.12.2008 "C2X Security and Privacy" at "car-2-x Communication – applications and activities" conference in Ulm
27.05.2008 "Secure Vehicle Communication" at In-vehicle Communication, Telematics and Co-operative Systems Workshop on Security and Privacy Issues, Brussels, Belgium
04.05.2008 "Security in Vehicular Communication
Architecture and Implementation Issues" at ITS Europe, Geneva, Switzerland
17.04.2008 "Inter-Vehicular Communications –Security and Privacy - Why cryptography is not enough" at FORWARD Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden
15./16.04.2008 Poster Presentation "Secure Vehicle Communication and Automotive HMI" at AIDE Final Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden
21./22.02.2008 "Future Challenges for Secure Vehicle Communication" at SeVeCom Challenges Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland
06./07.11.2007 "The SeVeCom Architecture for Security and Privacy in Vehicular Communications" at escar 2007, Munich Germany
July-Sept. 2007 Various presentation on "Secure Vehicle Communication" and other research topics at colloquium at UTS Sydney, Australia
04.05.2007 "Secure Vehicle Communication" at NEC Heidelberg Colloquium, Heidelberg, Germany
14.02.2007 Presentation at the C2C-CC Architecture Working Group Meeting
16.11.2006 Presentation at the C2C-CC Security Working Group Meeting
20./21.09.2006 Presentation of "SeVeCom" project at ESAS 2006
01./02.02.2006 Presentation at SeVeCom Kick-Off Workshop at ESAS 2006