This page lists selected invited talks and presentations that I have given in recent years in addition to many presentations of accepted papers at conferences. Slides available on request.
Upcoming Presentations:
Previous Presentations:
2011 | |
28.01.2011 | Presentation of PRESERVE Project at Drive C2X Kickoff in Torino |
2010 | |
15.12.2010 | Invited Talk "Privacy in ITS - requirement, show-stopper- or fancy add-on?" at IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (IEEE VNC 2010) |
16.11.2010 | Talk on "Sicherheit und Privacy in Fahrzeug-Fahrzeug-Netzen und kritischen Infrastrukturen" at Ulm University Colloquium |
12.11.2010 | Talk on "Security and Privacy in Car-to-Car Networks" at comsys-Kolloquium at RWTH Aachen |
09.11.2010 | Talk on "Security and Privacy Protection in ITS - An Overview over the European Research Landscape" at the VDE Annual Conference 2011 in Leipzig |
09.09.2010 | Talk on "Security and Privacy" at GI/ITG KuVS Summer School Wireless Networking |
16.06.2010 | Organization and Moderating of Special Session Can we be smart and private: Intelligent Transportation Systems" at Computers, Freedom, and Privacy in a Networked Society -- the 20th annual CFP conference |
10.06.2010 | "Security and Privacy Protection in V2X - what have we achieved and where are the challenges for the future?" at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf |
16.-22.04.2010 | "Security and Privacy in European ITS and V2X Research" at Colloquiums of NICTA Research Lab, Sydney, University of Technology, Sydney, and University of New South Wales, Sydney |
18.03.2010 | Demonstration of IEEE 802.11 WLAN Denial of Service at ICT Delta 2010 in Rotterdam |
10.03.2010 | "Security and Privacy in European ITS and V2X Research" at the ISTRICE Research Lunch in Enschede |
30.01.2010 | "The road to Privacy-friendly ITS: Technical Privacy Protection Mechanisms" Panel Presentation and Discussion at the 3rd International Conference Computers, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP 2010) in Brussels |
2009 | |
18.12.2009 | "Sicherheit und Datenschutz in drahtlosen Netzwerken" at University Erlangen Colloquium |
05.11.2009 | "PRECIOSA: ITS Privacy" at C2C Sec. WG Liaison Meeting in Wolfsburg |
05.11.2009 | "SeVeCom: Secure Communication" at C2C Sec. WG Liaison Meeting in Wolfsburg |
04.11.2009 | "PRECIOSA: Enforceable Privacy" - at Car-2-Car Forum in Wolfsburg |
20.-22.10.2009 | "Security and Privacy in Cooperative Intelligent Transportations Systems" - Keynote at ITST 2009 in Lille (France) |
24.09.2009 | "Privacy Enforcement with the PRECIOSA Architecture" at ITS World Congress 2009 |
27.08.2009 | "Privacy Enforcement with the PRECIOSA Architecture" at CAST Workshop "Mobile Security for Intelligent Cars" |
08.07.2009 | "Security and Privacy in Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems" at IHP Frankfurt(Oder) Colloquium |
30.06.2009 | "Security and Privacy in Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (cITS)" at GER-TR Workshop on ICT, Braunschweig |
25.06.2009 | "Security and Privacy in Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems" at University of Twente Colloquium |
18.02.2009 | "Sichere Kommunikation in Fahrzeug-Fahrzeug Netzwerken" at TU Darmstadt Colloquium |
23.01.2009 | "Sichere Kommunikation in Fahrzeug-Fahrzeug Netzwerken" at TU Braunschweig Colloquium |
2008 | |
04.12.2008 | "C2X Security and Privacy" at TU Darmstadt Colloquium |
02./03.12.2008 | "C2X Security and Privacy" at "car-2-x Communication â applications and activities" conference in Ulm |
27.05.2008 | "Secure Vehicle Communication" at In-vehicle Communication, Telematics and Co-operative Systems Workshop on Security and Privacy Issues, Brussels, Belgium |
04.05.2008 | "Security in Vehicular Communication Architecture and Implementation Issues" at ITS Europe, Geneva, Switzerland |
17.04.2008 | "Inter-Vehicular Communications âSecurity and Privacy - Why cryptography is not enough" at FORWARD Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden |
15./16.04.2008 | Poster Presentation "Secure Vehicle Communication and Automotive HMI" at AIDE Final Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden |
21./22.02.2008 | "Future Challenges for Secure Vehicle Communication" at SeVeCom Challenges Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland |
2007 | |
06./07.11.2007 | "The SeVeCom Architecture for Security and Privacy in Vehicular Communications" at escar 2007, Munich Germany |
July-Sept. 2007 | Various presentation on "Secure Vehicle Communication" and other research topics at colloquium at UTS Sydney, Australia |
04.05.2007 | "Secure Vehicle Communication" at NEC Heidelberg Colloquium, Heidelberg, Germany |
14.02.2007 | Presentation at the C2C-CC Architecture Working Group Meeting |
2006 | |
16.11.2006 | Presentation at the C2C-CC Security Working Group Meeting |
20./21.09.2006 | Presentation of "SeVeCom" project at ESAS 2006 |
01./02.02.2006 | Presentation at SeVeCom Kick-Off Workshop at ESAS 2006 |