F. Kargl, Friedman, A. , and Boreli, R. ,
“Differential privacy in intelligent transportation systems”, in
Proceedings of the sixth ACM conference on Security and privacy in wireless and mobile networks, New York, NY, USA, 2013.
P. Knapik, Schoch, E. , and Kargl, F. ,
“Electronic Decal: A Security Function Based on V2X Communication”, in
The 77th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2013-Spring), Dresden, Germany, 2013.
M. Caselli, Hadziosmanovic, D. , Zambon, E. , and Kargl, F. ,
“On the feasibility of device fingerprinting in Industrial Control Systems”, in
8th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 2013), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2013.
R. van der Heijden, Dietzel, S. , and Kargl, F. ,
“Misbehavior Detection in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks”, in
Proceedings of 1st GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Inter-Vehicle Communication (FG-IVC 2013), Innsbruck, Austria, 2013.
M. Dacier, Kargl, F. , and Valdes, A. ,
“Securing Critical Infrastructures from Targeted Attacks (Dagstuhl Seminar 12502)”,
Dagstuhl Reports, vol. 2, pp. 49–63, 2013.
R. Wouter van der Heijden, Dietzel, S. , and Kargl, F. ,
“SeDyA: secure dynamic aggregation in VANETs”, in
Proceedings of the sixth ACM conference on Security and privacy in wireless and mobile networks, New York, NY, USA, 2013.
J. Gozalvez, Kargl, F. , Mittag, J. , Kravets, R. , and Tsai, M. , Eds.,
“VANET '13: Proceeding of the Tenth ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Inter-networking, Systems, and Applications”. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2013.