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Dissertation cited in Taucis report

Googling the web, I just stumbled upon the fact that my dissertation thesis on security in mobile ad-hoc networks is cited in the TAUCIS report ("Technikfolgenabschätzung Ubiquitäres Computing und Informationelle Selbstbestimmung") of the BMBF. It is interesting seing own work popping up here and there.

The whole report can be found here (in German).

Encryption is suspicious

In other countries its happening regularly, now it also starts in Germany: as user of cryptography you are suspicious by default (German article):

Drupal 6

When updating my server, I finally made the switch to Drupal 6. Everything should look the same as before, but hopefully I will find the time to introduce some new features.

Using iPhone / iPod touch as VPN client at Ulm University

After browsing some documentation, I figured out how to use an iPhone / iPod touch as VPN client in our university network. This saves you a lot of time as you don't need to enter login information at the WLAN gateway.

(German text below!)

Use the following settings at Settings > General > Network > VPN > Add VPN Configuration > IPSec:

Description: Uni Ulm
Account: <KIZ Account>
Password: <KIZ Password>
Use certificate: not active
Group Name: UU-All-Hybrid[hybrid]
Secret: tiavip

Workshop on Mobile Ad-hoc Networks 2009 CfP

Together with colleagues from Zurich and Bonn I am organizing the 5th Workshop on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (WMAN 2009) in conjunction with the 16th bi-annual Conference on Communication in Distributed Systems (KiVS) (German: ITG/GI - Fachtagung "Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS)")

You have until 24.10.08 to register a paper, submission deadline is on 31.10.08. See the CfP for details.

IEEE Vehi-Mobi 2009

IEEE Vehi-Mobi 2009 - the IEEE Vehicular Networks & Applications Workshop is held in conjunction to ICC 2009 in Dresden. CfP is open until 15.10.2008, so you need to speed up with submissions.

WebIST Conference

If you are doing research in the field of Web technology, you should consider responding to the Call for Papers of the WebIST conference. Deadline is the 29. Oct. 2008.

Tokyo Akihabara

Zur Zeit bin ich auf der Konferenz UCS 2007 in Tokyo, Akihabara. Unglaublich: hier gibt es 6-stöckige Kaufhäuser ausschließlich für Elektronikartikel, z.B. Yodobashi Akiba. Quasi ein Mega-Mediamarkt.

Exkursion ins Heinz Nixdorf Museum

Am 5.12. organisiere ich eine Exkursion für Studenten der Informatik ins Heinz Nixdorf Museum. Interessant ist insbesondere eine Sonderausstellung über Kryptographie und Steganographie. Noch sind Plätze frei, Anmeldung auf einer Liste an meiner Bürotüre (O27/3303).

Visiting Academic in Sydney

From 18. July to 14. September I stay at University of Technology Sydney as visiting academic.


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